International Weeks

The Essay


Introduction to the introduction

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The essay must

  • research a topic from an English-speaking country.
  • The topic must be taken from the Interwar Years - between World War I and World War II, so this is mainly between 1919 and 1939 - in the USA to December 1941.
  • have no more than 1000 words. Title page, footnotes, bibliography and appendix are not part of the word count!
  • have the following structure: Title, table of contents, introduction, main part, conclusion, bibliography, (appendix), checklist.
  • The pages should be numbered.
  • The formatting is given in this document.
  • Quotes must be referenced in footnotes. See here.
  • On the title page the declaration must be signed that the submitted paper is the work of the student.

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An Introduction ... to the Introduction!

Many pupils are asking 'What should I write in the introduction?' First of all it is important that you usually write the introduction after you have finished writing your main part! Only then you will know what you have written. For more information it is best to view these sites:

Guide to Essay Writing

Uni Learning

Essay Lab

Custom Essays

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Some help with your word processing software:

Fußnote: Word: Einfügen -> Referenz -> Fußnote oder Alt+e,e,n,enter

OpenOffice: Einfügen -> Fuß-/Endnote

Tabulator: Word: Format -> Tabstopps -> Standardtapstopps auf 0,5cm / 5mm stellen

OpenOffice: Format -> Absatz -> Tabulator

Seitenzahlen: Entweder oben im Kopf (s. Vorlage) oder in Word: Ansicht -> Kopf- und Fußzeile, dann in die Fußzeile klicken und auf den Knopf für Seitenzahlen klicken.

OpenOffice: Einfügen -> Fußzeile -> enter. Dann in die Fußzeile klicken. Einfügen -> Feldbefehl -> Seitennummer

Wörter zählen: beide Programme: Extras -> Wörter zählen

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